Three Ways to Pocket More Affiliate Cash Starting Today
Affiliate marketing is one of the quickest and easiest ways to make money online. You don't have to spend the time and money to create a product, just to find out it won't sell. Even if you are planning on creating a product of your own, using an affiliate product to test the market is the way to go.
Affiliate marketing also has the benefit of not having to deal with customer support issues, like product returns and refunds or hiring support staff. All you really have to do is recommend products to eager buyers. Then you just wait for the money to roll in.
But be careful! Your affiliate commission can easily be stolen if you don't protect it. Here are 3 tips that will have you earn more affiliate commissions starting today:
1. Do not use your direct affiliate link in your promotions.
Cloaking is a way of hiding your affiliate links. It is used to protect your links from people steeling your hard-earned commission, or buyers deleting the affiliate part of your link.
But there's another reason not to use direct affiliate links: Namely, because you could end up with hundreds of "dead" links all over the Internet. What happens if the vendor stops selling the product? You've included you affiliate link in all you online activities - article marketing, your blog, social bookmarking and networking sites.
With a redirect link you now have the option of pointing it to a similar product from another vendor. With just two minutes of work you can possibly save thousand of dollars in commissions that would have otherwise been lost.
2. Look for these common sales leaks.
If you aren't careful, you may find that the product vendor is the biggest thief of your affiliate commission.
You want to look out for some of these:
* The product sales page should not have Google AdSense ads on it. You end up with all the work of sending traffic to the page, and the owner ends up with the AdSense profits, while nobody is buying the product you are trying to promote. Avoid these sites!
* Another way for your affiliate commission to disappear is when the vendor offers alternative options for payment. Affiliate commissions are typically tracked with code embedded on the sales page. If the vendor asks people to call in to place an order for example, you lose your commission.
* Customer service reps that send visitors to a new page. Watch out for this sneaky trick: sometimes when a prospect has a question, the customer service rep (or the vendor) sends the customer to a different sales page. End result? You lose the commission!
3. Find out what loopholes the vendor will use to keep your money.
Here's the third tip: Before signing up as an affiliate, make sure you read the Terms of Service (TOS) and Affiliate Agreement. You may find that the vendor imposes very large payment thresholds to legally keep your money until you have reached the threshold! Some vendors actually charge fees if you asked to get paid via check, leaving you with less of a commission.
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