The Best Way To Make Money Online
Making money through online marketing is never as easy as it sounds and there are many ways to fail. Internet guru's talk about Adwords and pay-per-click, but the fact is that this can cost you a lot of money and usually your profits won't pay for the advertising. I have tried this and, after a long trial and error period, I found a way to get free advertising for any product that I'm trying to sell.
If you really want to make money online, you need a plan that is proven to work. Making money on the internet isn't rocket science, lots of people have profitable internet businesses and you can too. The secret is free advertising. The way you get that is through article marketing. Article marketing consists of writing articles, like this one, that are posted for free on the article directories. When someone clicks on the link, they come to your sales page and you get potential customer for free. Making this work requires two things - time and consistent effort. In other words a business plan.
That's the secret - Make a plan and stick to it.
Starting now you will:
* Find a niche marketing product that you think people will buy. Many people use Clickbank or one of the other affiliate marketing sites to search for them.
* Go to Google Keywords tool to find the keywords that people use to search for the product.
* Develop 5 different articles of about 400 - 600 words about your product. You can re-write existing articles (just be sure that you don't plagiarize). Article re-write software is available to help you with this step.
* Using the keywords you found earlier, post a unique article on 5 different article directories.
* Repeat tomorrow.
* Once you have 25 articles on that product (5 days) find another product and repeat.
While the plan seems arduous at first, it actually should take you less that 5 hours every day. The result is that over time, you will have people reading the article, posting it on their websites, and your articles will actually show up in the search engine rankings. Can you imagine being on the first page of Google and every click is free? That's how you make money on the internet.
About the Author:
Mr. Neal has been an executive and started a successful book publishing company. His company, Treasures Marketing Group helps people find financial freedom. His blog offers a free report that helps help you succeed in internet marketing. Get the free report now.
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