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Check the *SHOCKING* video now!

Sam D. Mann

Saturday, 26 June 2010

The Fantastic Method For Marketing - Web 2.0 Marketing Techniques

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If you’ve ever been duped by a fraudulent work-at-home product or know somebody who has - or just don’t ever want to be a victim - it’s time for you to finally get the break you deserve. That’s why I’m here with you today. Because as you know, 98% of all work-from-home products are fake...

If you have ever thought of turning Clickbank into your own private ATM and making huge withdrawals whenever you feel like, then, this article could turn around your whole life.

Before I move into the meat of things let me pose a question: "Are you frightened to pay for traffic?" And when I say "pay for traffic", I mean with things like PPC etc.. If you're scared to pay for traffic, that's fine because you're not alone - a lot of marketers are.

There's a lot to be said no cost traffic, and that's why I need Michael Jones to express to you how to get a load of traffic - the way he's laid it out in "The Clickbank Code"...

I use Adwords, and the system brings me thousands of visitors... But you can't beat the effortlessness of traffic which simply overflows into your websites relentlessly. The kind of traffic that never stops, and never costs you a dime... And, as we all know, if you want to get cash into your bank account you need to get traffic... tons of it.

You've heard of Clickbank, right? You know... the free-to-join web site that literally forces cash into your pockets... Yeah if you know what you're doing!! Well, let's marry up TONS OF TRAFFIC with CLICKBANK.

We will do that by telling you about a bloke by the name of Michael Jones who banked a cool $48,506.66 in his 1st four weeks after hearing of it... That is right... WITHIN HIS FIRST four WEEKS!

Michael Jones reveals everything and he's pulling back the curtain on the secrets (These secrets are killer... and could set you up for life!!) he used them to rake in nearly twelve thousand dollars his very first week... That is what I term The Secret To Earn Cash On-line Quick

Michael is going to show you a way to use these totally new tactics... actually the very same techniques he used to make him a millionaire through advertising Clickbank's products.

That's all for the time being. Mucho success!!

Sam D. Mann

Now then, here's a great article for you to read. Submitted by one of my many Guest Authors...


The Fantastic Method For Marketing - Web 2.0 Marketing Techniques

by Sally Thompson

Do you know anything about Web 2.0? Well, this is actually referring to any website which allows people to post the content written or generated by them. It means that there could be things such as entry of Wikipedia, or a simple profile in MySpace. Web 2.0 is getting more and more popular because the website owner is no longer the sole editor of the website. The users now could take over the control of the website and edit the content and share with others through this type of Web.

Whenever there are Web 2.0 websites, you would probably see that a lot of articles would be found in different aspects and you could see that at the bottom of these articles there would be the introduction to the writers of the articles as well as a link for you to get access to the websites of the writers. Yes, these writers are actually the marketers of the online business and some of them might even be the owners of the businesses.

Thus, even though you might have spent days to bring good content to your website, your website might still be invisible to the potential clients because you might have a lower ranking than those large websites. But if you can make use of this feature to locate your business clients, you would be the winner.

You can register for these Web 2.0 sites and then post content about your products. Of course, the content posted in these websites should be slightly different from the content that you provide in your own business websites. And you should provide richer content in the business website rather than the Web 2.0 sites because the aim for joining those sites is to attract and direct them to your own websites and make a purchase of the products. If they know that your sites is not as detailed as in the Web 2.0 sites they would not visit.

When you try to post articles in the Web 2.0 sites, you have to provide professional information. Many business owners would think that promotional articles do not need to be professional but they are wrong. Whenever clients search on the internet they want someone who is reliable. And one of the ways to provide the sense of reliability is by providing professional information such that your clients would know that you are an expert in the field and your words could be trusted.

You are not the only one using the Web 2.0 platform to promote the business so you have to make your articles unique, interesting and professional so your clients would become loyal to you.

You can make use of the resource box in the Web 2.0 site to promote your business. Usually, these websites would provide the resource box for the editors of the content to introduce themselves. Thus, you could encourage your clients to visit your own website in order to know more about the topics.

Yes, that is the reason why you are told to provide richer content in your own website. They look for a detailed article in your website but not a briefer one.

About the Author:


Sam D. Mann here with a Great Tip Of The Day -
Nothing beats being ready to:
1. Determine profitable search terms (Using Buyers keywords).
2. Launch mini sites primarily based on the given keyword phrases.
3. Rank in Google and every one of the different search engines for those keyword phrases.
4. Convert your traffic into revenue.

Every one of the steps listed above is vitally crucial to doing well on-line and can ultimately determine how much cash you'll be able to generate. Understanding and identifying profitable search terms should be the beginning purpose of your business.

Know this: Individuals which misunderstand or ignore any of the above points finish up annoyed and not bringing in any money. Generally speaking, ignoring those points leads to the down fall of many would-be successful Net marketers.

Final point. Always ask yourself:
How can I drive traffic to this market?
Can this traffic convert in affiliate sales or AdSense clicks?
What is the value of a conversion? More Tips can be found at Affiliate Marketing Strategies Tips and Tools

SEO Tip Of The Day.

Avoid dirty tricks and exploiting loop holes to improve search engine ranking. Avoid links to bad neighborhoods such as web spammer, link farm, phishing, hacker, crack, gambling, pörn and scam sites. Linking to them will greatly affect your search engine rankings.

My thoughts for today...

"Never write an advertisement which you wouldn't want your family to read. You wouldn't tell lies to your own wife. Don't tell them to mine."
-David Ogilvy

Here's a great web site for you to check out and browse through some excellent articles on...

How To Make Money Online Fast

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